About Us
Believing in artistic progress since 1942

Valentine Aprile, “Little Bird”
We believe in artistic progress.
We believe that all credit and encouragement are due to those forward-looking and venturesome experimenters who alone are responsible for the world’s progress and that by dedicating itself to such encouragement, Audubon Artists, Inc. justifies its existence and will continually attract artists of a similar view.
We believe that progress is achieved through evolution—seldom through revolution; that no good thing has ever sprung full grown into being, or ever will; that there is no royal road or shortcut to success; that change is desirable, but that, being expensive, it is justified only when accompanied by improvement or promise of improvement; that we must know how to follow before we can lead—how to serve before we can command—how to learn before we can teach; that we can contribute to the future only by considering the past, but that we should neither chain ourselves to the art vehicles of long ago nor consider swift new conveyances unequipped with brakes or steering apparatus.

Mary-Ann Moy, “Reflection”

Barbara Stein, “Sunset-2, Port Washington”
We believe in forwarding motion, but we want to know whither we are going; we want to journey safely, and we don’t want to injure fellow crusaders, friendly or competing, with whom we come into contact;
We believe in progress with restraint; in imagination—under control.

Victoria Zhang, “She bends the sky with feminine grace”
We believe there are diverse ways to any goal; that all may be right, and that none should be restricted.
We believe that real progress cannot be achieved impetuously, that we must accept the truth and be patient and thorough in our work, that there is no such thing as final perfection, that all one can reasonably desire is a steady improvement, and that if one carries his burden forward just a little way he has done his stint.
We believe in short, in artistic liberalism, shunning equally the irresponsibleness of the extreme left and reactionism of the extreme right, offering offense to none and subservience to none, but with respect and encouragement for all who strive for solid progress.

Bach Del-Bourree, “Time-Traveler”
Mission & Structure
Audubon Artists, Inc. Is a nonprofit organization established in the State of New York, dedicated to nurturing the importance of art through Annual Exhibitions that display artists’ artwork and Awards that encourage Artists to keep creating.
The Society membership consists of three classes: ELECTED, HONORARY, and ASSOCIATE MEMBERS.
We accept artwork submissions in six mediums: Aquamedia, Collage & Mixed Media, Graphics, Oil & Acrylics, Pastels, and Sculpture from artists with United States residency.
Elected’ Members are ‘Active’ artist members of Audubon Artists and have control of the organization.
Honorary Membership is a title bestowed by the Executive Board upon Elected Members of this Art Society, including all Past Presidents. After completing one term, a sitting President may be considered for this status. Honorary Members have demonstrated outstanding distinction and service in this Society and in the Fine Arts Community.
Associate Members of this Art Society are adjunct members who have not attained ‘Elected’ status.
Candidates for Elected Membership are expected to have exhibited in three (3) juried Audubon annuals within the same medium category during a time frame of six (6) years.
The dues of the Elected and Associate Membership are entered on a fiscal year starting from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.
The officers of Audubon Artists, Inc. are: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary; Treasurer; Elected Membership Coordinator, and Associate Membership Coordinator.
Chairpersons for the standing committees include: Admissions, Advertising, Awards, ByLaws Revision, Exhibitions, Exhibition Catalog, Financial Oversight, Fund Raising, Hospitality & Entertainment, Newsletter Editor, and Photographer.
We have an Annual Exhibition with a Jury of Selection and a Juror of Awards. We give out 42 -50 Awards to Exhibiting Artists annually. Twelve of the Awards are supported by Audubon Artists, six Gold Medals of $500 each, and six Silver Medals of $300 in each of the Mediums The remaining Awards are supported by sponsors. Our last show included 214 accepted artworks. We allowed non-members to submit to the Exhibition for the first time in 2022.
We have a YouTube channel established in 2021 and we support social media.
Our up-to-date website, audubonartists.org, contains information about our History, our Executive Board, the Annual Exhibition, Membership, and Award Winners with images in slide shows and galleries, in addition to pages featuring our Newsletter, Donors, and Prospectus. — By Evelyn Floret, with extracts from Audubon Artists, Inc’s bylaws